GHG Pro-Grade Full Body Specklebelly Harvester Goose Decoys - 6 Pack
White-Fronted geese, known widely by their nickname "Specklebelly", have become an increasingly popular target for goose hunters as their populations have grown. These decoys have the realism to fool the wariest Speck.
The most realistic details and markings ever seen on Speck decoys!
RealMotion ® System with stake
One piece design
4 feeders and 2 actives
Ratings & Reviews
2 reviews
5/10/2017 1:39 pm
Very realistic
by Verified Customer -
Absolutely great for the price. Very life like and durable. Work great on our pressured specks in south texas.
10/31/2019 8:55 pm
Great price!!
by DLW
Couldn't mark 5 🌟 only let me do 4... Awesome decoys and couldn't beat the price, can't wait to get them in the field to see them in action!