Uhlenhopp D.L.S. Dirty Little Secret Single Reed Duck Call
Uhlenhopp Game Calls D.L.S. Dirty Little Secret Single Reed Duck Call
D.L.S. AKA Dirty Little Secret. The D.L.S is the big brother to the Mud Hen. It has a ducky tone the ranges from top to bottom, a loud meat style hail and soft finishing feed and quacks. Was built to run a little loose. This call does it all.
Ratings & Reviews
3 reviews
11/14/2023 6:40 pm
By far the best call I’ve ever owned!
by Jacky Brown
If MPW gave me my pick of any maker in the case it would be Uhlenhopp Game Calls. The DLS is the most responsive, easiest transitioning call I’ve ever used in 50 years of calling ducks.
11/15/2023 2:17 am
Lanyard bound.
by Steve D
Great call. Loud, raspy and quick. A must have on the lanyard.
11/21/2023 8:10 am
DLS is my favorite call I’ve ever used
by Jacky Brown
By far the most responsive, smoothest transitioning, pure duck call that I’ve ever used in my 50 years of calling ducks!