Sure Cycle Stainless Steel Action Systems

1 Review



Sure Cycle Stainless Steel Action System. The stainless steel action cycling system for semi-automatic shotguns makes the best shotgun even better. The performance of your semi-automatic shotgun is only as good as the recoil spring tube system in the stock. The stainless steel action system improves the performance of gas-operated shotguns over 40% and inertia operated shotguns over 25%. It also controls how and when you get off that second and third shot. Harsh elements such as humidity rain and saltwater cause rust and corrosion which decrease the performance of your shotgun's recoil spring tube system and eventually cause it to fail

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7/2/2020 7:04 am

Revitalize your gun

by Rook

The old recoil tube and spring were brutally gummed up in an old X2 and warranted replacing. This was the only aftermarket recoil kit I could find. I was hesitant due to the price but upon arrival the quality of the components showed that you get what you pay for! Beyond that, it was a ridiculously simple process to remove the old system and quickly install the new one! It comes with two different recoil springs. A shorter, lighter one designed specifically for light loads and a larger, beefier one for heavier use. I attached the heavier spring for waterfowling yet have had zero issues with 2.75" 1oz and 1 1/8oz trap loads after firing almost a case of shells with it. Very pleased with the purchase!