Sitka Wader Storage Bag
Sitka Wader Storage Bag
A unique solution to transporting our Delta waders, keeping the wet and muddy waders contained in the bag while providing a stable place to put waders on while in the field.
A unique solution to transporting our Delta waders, keeping the wet and muddy waders contained in the bag while providing a stable place to put waders on while in the field.
- Shoulder Strap
- Metal Hardware
- Coated Textile
- Folding Containment
- custom molded boot jacket
- bottle opener
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
12/9/2022 9:16 pm
It Really Works!
by Karl
Was skeptical but a friend assured me this wader bag worked really well and was worth the money. The integrated boot jack is what sold me - the Sitka wader boot can be tough to get off otherwise. One note of caution: when I used it in eastern OR there was a couple inches of snow on the ground by the time we were done. The moment I stepped on the opened up bag, it slipped right out from under me. It's very slick in the snow and becomes a Sitka sled!