Escalade Cajun Bowfishing Biscuit Replacement Biscuit ARBB

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Escalade Replacement  Whisker Biscuit Rest Blac

Fret no more, Cajun has created a replacement biscuit for everyone’s favorite bowfishing arrow rest. The Cajun Bowfishing Fishing Biscuit is there for you when the beasts of the water give your first biscuit a run for its money. The aluminum-cased biscuit has a v-notch located at the top that allows for easier loading and reduces slide obstruction during the shot. V-notch located at the top allows for easier loading and reduces slide obstruction during the shot Created to replace biscuit in Cajun Bowfishing Whisker Biscuit arrow rest Cajun Bowfishing Whisker Biscuit is the world’s most popular arrow rest Aluminum-encased biscuitk

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