Code Blue Whitetail Doe Estrus

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Code Blue makes deer scent that's more effective and more lifelike than anything else you'll find. That's because each bottle of deer scent comes from a single deer instead of a muddled combination from several animals. This patented collection method is especially significant for Code Blue Whitetail Doe Estrous. When you're mimicking a doe in heat you want the purest deer scent available.

This doe urine is from a single doe in estrous making it a powerful deer scent to use during the whitetail rut. Big bucks won't be able to resist the smell of a doe in heat and they'll come eagerly to your deer scent site. Every 1-ounce bottle of doe urine is marked with the deer's unique registration number and certified as the "genuine article" by an independent organization. You can trust Code Blue deer scent to get you through every phase of the hunting season and don't forget a bottle of Whitetail Doe Estrous especially for the whitetail rut.

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