Browning 12 Ga TSS Tungsten Turkey 3 1/2" 2 1/4 Oz Box 5 Rd

6 Reviews
($13.20 per round)
SKU: B19392124B

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Browning TSS Tungsten Turkey. The word is out among turkey hunters that Tungsten Super Shot (TSS) is one fine ingredient in a shotgun shell. With that, Browning Ammunition launches TSS Tungsten Turkey in 2019, bringing one of the most solid-performing turkey loads to millions of hunters across North America. By volume, tungsten is denser than lead, which results in the ability to load a greater number of pellets into each shell. More pellets mean greater pattern density and improved downrange performance. Traditional lead pellets have a density of approximately 11 g/cm³ compared to Tungsten Super Shot (TSS) at 18 g/cm³. That means that TSS is approximately 60% more dense than lead. To simplify matters, a TSS #9 pellet is equivalent to a #5 lead pellet. That allows for TWICE the number of pellets while maintaining the energy and lethality of each of those pellets. In addition, TSS Tungsten Turkey is available in 12, 20 and even 410 gauges, a diverse lineup of offerings that caters to men, women and youth who want to take after a wily gobbler this spring.
Browning 12 Ga TSS 3 1/2" 2 1/4 oz 1200 FPS
5 Rounds Per Box
10 Boxes Per Case

Ratings & Reviews

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2/17/2021 7:38 am

18g Browning vs 15g Federal

by Tom

I compared the Browning 18g/cc #7 shot to Federal Mag Shok 15g/cc #7 shot at 50 yards in a Benelli SBE3 with Rob Roberts .655 and Pure Gold .670 chokes. The 15g/cc Federal out performed the Browning 18g/cc with regard to pattern density. I believe the #7 18g/cc TSS has about 185 pellets per oz and the Federal Mag Shok #7 15g/cc has about 219 pellets per oz, so the 2.25oz TSS had about 416 pellets and the Mag Shok load had about 410 pellets which is almost exact pellet count. I understand the 18g #7 has more ballistic capabilities than the 15g Mag Shok, but at 50 yards, they will both absolutely destroy turkeys and since the 15g patterned better for me, the 18g TSS was not worth the SIGNIFICANTLY higher price. I hope this helps some people.

11/28/2021 9:42 pm

Great product, gets the job done, short or long range

by Doug Caldwell

I have used the Browning TSS for the past few seasons and have not missed or lost a Turkey yet. I hunt Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and was successful in all three states. I know that most manufacturers of TSS make quality products but I will stick with what has been working. This stuff is expensive but when you consider the total cost of the turkey hunt, do you really want to cheap out on shells? I know I don’t.

2/28/2022 2:29 pm

Killer Round

by Gary

An AMAZING load. Incredibly powerful. I dropped a trophy Tom at 45 yds. last yr. (26lbs., 12 1/2 in. beard and 3 1/2 in spurs. He didn't even wiggle. The shot patterned perfectly. I borrowed the round from my hunting partner and could not wait to buy a box for this year's upcoming hunt

5/5/2022 2:05 pm

Still got him.

by Roy

Patterns great, clean kills. I had one sneak up on 40yards. When i seen him he seen me. He ran i hurried to shoot. Clipped a pine tree at 20 or so yard and still knock the gobbler flat.

5/10/2022 10:55 am

Great supplier

by Ricky

About the only place I could find these at decent price. Fast shipping.

4/24/2024 3:54 pm

Will definitely buy from them again!!!

by Dustin

Awesome service arrived extremely quickly, already killed one at over 50 yards with them!!!